Recipe: Perfect Rujak Cingur Mudah By Laila Dawud

Rujak Cingur Mudah By Laila Dawud.

Rujak Cingur Mudah By Laila Dawud You can cook Rujak Cingur Mudah By Laila Dawud using 14 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Rujak Cingur Mudah By Laila Dawud

  1. It's of kangkung (dikukus).
  2. Prepare of kecamba (dikukus).
  3. Prepare of mentimun.
  4. You need of nanas.
  5. It's of tahu (digoreng).
  6. You need of tempe di goreng.
  7. It's of kikil sapi di rebus.
  8. You need of Bumbu rujak.
  9. It's of klutuk dirajang.
  10. You need of kantong petis yg enak.
  11. You need of trasi.
  12. You need of kacang goreng.
  13. Prepare of Gula.
  14. It's of Garam.

Rujak Cingur Mudah By Laila Dawud step by step

  1. Haluskan dg cobek bumbu rujak tes rasa...
  2. Potong tahu.tempe.kikil sesuai selera...
  3. Hidangkan sayur tempe.tahu goreng.dan kikil sapi lumuri atasnya dg bumbu rujak yg udah d halusin...
  4. ♥Selamat Mencoba♥.
