How to Make Yummy Rujak Cingur

Rujak Cingur.

Rujak Cingur You can have Rujak Cingur using 18 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Rujak Cingur

  1. You need of cingur sapi.
  2. You need of serai.
  3. Prepare of daun salam.
  4. It's of kangkung.
  5. You need of tauge.
  6. You need of tempe.
  7. Prepare of tahu.
  8. Prepare of mangga muda.
  9. It's of kacang panjang.
  10. It's of mentimun.
  11. Prepare of Bumbu rujak :.
  12. You need of petis.
  13. It's of cabai rawit.
  14. Prepare of kacang tanah, goreng, haluskan.
  15. It's of air asam jawa.
  16. It's of gula merah.
  17. Prepare of garam.
  18. You need of air.

Rujak Cingur instructions

  1. Rebus cingur sampai empuk.
  2. Rebus kangkung, tauge, dan kacang panjang.
  3. Haluskan semua bahan bumbu rujak.
  4. Susun rujak di piring dan siram dengan bumbu.


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