Recipe: Tasty Rujak Cingur

Rujak Cingur.

Rujak Cingur You can have Rujak Cingur using 23 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Rujak Cingur

  1. You need of Bahan cingur.
  2. You need of cingur sapi.
  3. You need of bawang putih.
  4. You need of kunyit bubuk.
  5. It's of garam.
  6. Prepare of Isi pelengkap rujak cingur.
  7. Prepare of Lontong.
  8. You need of Tempe goreng.
  9. Prepare of Tahu gembos.
  10. It's of Menjes goreng.
  11. Prepare of Taoge, rebus.
  12. Prepare of Selada, rebus.
  13. Prepare of mentimun.
  14. Prepare of Kerupuk.
  15. Prepare of Bahan bumbu rujak.
  16. It's of kacang goreng.
  17. It's of petis.
  18. You need of gedang klutuk.
  19. You need of Cabe rawit.
  20. It's of gula merah, sisir.
  21. Prepare of terasi.
  22. Prepare of Air asam jawa.
  23. Prepare of Garam.

Rujak Cingur step by step

  1. Cara membuat cingur.. Rebus dalam presto cingur bersama bumbu dan beri air. Presto selama 10menit. Sisihkan..
  2. Siapkan isi pelengkap lontong, gorengan dan sayuran..
  3. Cara membuat Campur kacang goreng, gedang klutuk, cabe, gula merah dan garam. Uleg kasar. Tambahkan air asam lalu uleg kembali, tambahkan petis. Uleg sampai rata sambil diberi air matang sedikit sedikit sampai kekentalan bumbunya pas. Koreksi rasa..
  4. Penyajian Tata irisan lontong, irisan gorengan, sayuran dan irisan cingur pada piring saji. Siram dengan bumbu rujak. Sajikan..
