Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Rujak cingur jawa timur

Rujak cingur jawa timur.

Rujak cingur jawa timur You can have Rujak cingur jawa timur using 12 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Rujak cingur jawa timur

  1. You need of kangkung.
  2. It's of timun.
  3. Prepare of cingur rebus.
  4. It's of tahu goreng.
  5. It's of bumbu:.
  6. It's of cabe rawit.
  7. It's of kacang goreng.
  8. Prepare of petis sidoarjo/petis jawa.
  9. It's of pisang klutuk.
  10. Prepare of garam.
  11. It's of Gula merah sisir.
  12. You need of air asam jawa.

Rujak cingur jawa timur instructions

  1. Ulek bumbu sampai halus,cek rasa.
  2. Tambahkan sayuran yg kamu miliki aja. irisin cingur aduk sajikan dg lontong dan krupuk.
